some flaws and issues are excruciating enough for a relationship to be susceptible to the situations and bring it down on its knees.
A good relationship is with someone who knows all your insecurities and imperfections and still loves you the same, however there are some myths in relationships which make the couple often insecure.
A sugar relationship involves a sugar baby who provides emotional or physical satisfaction to their sugar daddy/mommy, in exchange for presents and financial assistance.
When people are in a relationship they introduce their significant other as their boyfriend or girlfriend. On the other hand, when people are dating they don’t associate any term and just use the phrase “we are dating”.
Many people are facing struggles in their connection. Worry not, as we are here, and have you covered as we provide you with these tips to strengthen your relationship.
There are a majority of people who blindly follow bad dating advices and later blame the relationship for being unsuccessful. Here are some common pieces of advice you come across which you need to avoid.