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What Defines a Successful Marriage?

To understand why some couples always remain happy we have to understand what behaviours keeps them together. We noticed some traits in them and here are a few traits that is common in all happy couples

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Real Reasons Why Wives Cheat on Their Husbands?

Being loyal to the spouse may seem like the most apparent and vital promise one can make when they commit to being together.

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An Extra Marital Affair - A Power To Build Or To Ruin?

An extra marital affair is certainly something that is not too unheard of, yet sends a chill down the spine of the one betrayed upon. A three-letter word comes with a force, enough to shatter the strongest of the strong and the brazened of the pack.

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Overcome Gender Stereotypes Which Kills Woman's Self-Confidence?

Women make up a large part of the labour force, yet they earn less pay as well as fewer seats are given in the C-suite compared to men

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11 Common Features in Happy Couples in a Healthy Relationship

The mantra that clicks forever in a relationship is being considerate and understanding to your partner

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6 Peculiar Activities That May Devastate Your Relationship

There are certain unhealthy thoughts that devastate romance. Shun those thoughts and save your long-term association