Finding Love On The Internet - Is It Even Possible?

Finding Love On The Internet - Is It Even Possible?

True love is hard to find, this is what we all have grown up listening to. All the time. It is rare to find and to keep as well. They say the one whom you are dreaming of will never be found; the one whom you find will make all your dreams come true, you can meet such person on internet or in real life.

There lies the purity of love. It makes you live, it lets you breathe. You are never alone; you have an invisible support system constantly pushing you to reach heights and a cushion you can fall back to when you fail. 

Comfort and Honesty in Relationship Strengthens You

The comfort of a relationship is what strengthens you by soaking in your weaknesses. You meet this special person all of a sudden. Probably in a place, you never knew you could find another part of yourself making you feel complete. 

It can be the mountains, the sea, your neighborhood, your friend circle, or probably in a click of a button or a right swipe. If you are looking for THE one, they are most likely to be found on the internet as that is where we all meet irrespective of any cast or creed, right. We just remain honest to each other.

Well, check this post to know if that is at all a good idea or not!

The Internet or The Cupid?

Recently it has become quite a norm for people to download dating apps and go ahead for a date. Previously this was never the case. But as time flies and everyone is swirling in a whirlpool of rush people got acquainted with the concept and does not really wait for the “universe” to play the cupid. There have been several instances where people have met their love online and are happily carrying on with their relationships. Some are even set to marry their online partners.

How it Happens?

We all are hooked to social media and we keep on sharing views and comments about things that intrigue us or disgust us. There are people out there with similar tastes and interests and may want to connect with you for further knowledge about the same.

How it Happens 

Your presence or how you portray yourself on social media may also interest them in knowing more about you. This can be another reason to want to talk to you. The best possible thing can be having many mutual friends in both of your accounts. 

You may feel safer to talk to them since you know other people are there as well who know them personally or through the same medium.

Safety and Security Is Important While Meeting Your Online Friend

In the era of getting everything at your fingertips without much of toil, it is important to make sure you are not being cheated on. If the person you are going to date is genuine is the question that you should never subside. Do not indulge in conversations that can lead to a situation beyond your control. 

Consulting your friends before going out with somebody unknown is important. We would recommend having at least two to three video chats before you finally meet them. There can be several scopes of fraudulency; hence, taking a precaution is never a bad option. 

Online Dating has Some Good Sides

Every situation has a good and bad side. As life progresses, we can focus on the brighter sides more since there are enough reasons to whine about in life later. Wasting your energies on the dull and dark will not help. 

Same goes for the concept of online dating. You do not even have to go out and seek right one, they will surely find a way to drift towards you no matter what. The dating sites just set the drifts super smooth and intelligently, matching your interests to theirs. 

The “digital cupid” as we can call them does play an interesting role in bringing you two closer through a series of events. 

Quoting Paolo Coelho, “And, when you want something, the Universe conspires in helping you to achieve it”. Here we can surely replace the ‘universe’ with the’ internet’, can’t we? But probably he was right. Whatever you seek might already be seeking you without your knowledge. 

What if you just take a different and easier medium to gravitate towards one another, being millennial, but can be found with an extra mile of walking, an extra effort to search and some extra time to spend before you finally meet, which the internet just makes easy for you both?

Final Call: Love On The Internet - Is It Even Possible?

For many people online love is a myth because you cannot check someone's honesty and loyalty online, however to some people it is life changer. Internet is only a platform which enables you to interact or meet someone and therefore there are chances that you can meet good as well as bad people. 

Can I get real online friends? Certainly yes! but that will not be your cup of tea, you will have to deal with many spammers, many fake people, individuals with different natures and hey! finally you can get real love on internet.

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