Why Crying Comes Easier To Women Than Men?

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Some people visibly never cry, while other people show no perceptible emotions when watching a tear-jerking show or when in the middle of an emotional situation.

Out of those weepy eyes you can discover more numbers of females. It will be interesting to know, why crying comes easier to women than men?

Scientific Theory on Crying

Women Cry More

A Biochemist Dr. William H. Frey, after his psychological studies define crying that includes moist eyes, sobbing, and wailings. He found that women usually cry more at an average of 5.3 times a month in comparison to men who cry 1.3 times a month. This average was figured out after carrying out research on many people.

Demographic Study on Crying

A study of people of 35 countries was conducted for emotions in demographical references. The results of studies displayed some interesting and disturbing results. Those countries that are developed in resources and have more freedom of speech are tearfully more responsive to emotional situations.

On the other hand, countries that lack resources and basic rights have lower emotional reactions to similar situations. The crying inconsistency is noticed in all countries mostly due to hormonal issues and cultural norms.

Profession plays on emotions

There is one more cause evident for people’s response, especially women. People's different professions carry typical reactions. The women are more into nursing and teaching professions where they come across many emotional situations.

These could be of a sensitive and tearful types. Men mostly work in technical areas, where they don’t come across such heart-rending situations.

Crying is a Release

Experts believe crying is a release of built up emotions and feelings. Psychiatrists associate it with the survival instinct, as crier wants attention to speak about something. It also indicates your frustration and overwhelming emotions.

Biochemical Reason

Psychiatrists also believe that cries serve some key biochemical purposes that help in releasing some hormones and help the body in doing away with some harmful toxins.

It’s a Social Tool

An interesting line that may be quoted by some estranged husband, it sums up this point, “Every woman is wrong until she cries, and then she is right, instantly.” This may sound funny, but ironically that applies for several women.

Psychiatrists believe that crying has a purely social function to win support and even manipulate some adverse-looking decisions in your favor. This may be the wife’s insistence on buying some expensive stuff or having a holiday in luxury. So, crying is not about emotions only, it has some far-fetched objectives too.

Do Women Actually Cry More?

According to a Psychologist Emma Kenny, women typically are known to cry more. However, men too have started accepting that crying is okay and they too can show some emotions.

The psychologists have an interesting take on the popular belief that women cry for no reason. They feel, mostly women feel embarrassed to show their fluid emotions.

There are many serious reasons to cry, in grief, when losing someone dear to heart, and when in some uncontrollable anxious moments. Here are some highlights of crying studies done on people.

a) 40% women cry by getting overwhelmed by happiness and 24% men shed tears for the same reason too.
b) 64 % of women cry for no reason, on the contrary, men in this category stands at 3%.
c) 80% of women admit emotionally crying in public at one time or another, while about 44% men cry in public when emotionally charged.
d) This would be embarrassing for most of them to shed tears in front of the employees, colleagues, bosses, and even strangers.
e) The studies have observed that 64 percent of people exercise immense control over tears when expressing their feelings.

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